Sunday, 1 January 2012

S01E01 - Where is Everybody?

So I started to watch The Twilight Zone today - 01/01/12 at 4am. I wasn't expecting anything because I hadn't really heard that much about the series other that it was sci-fi/fantasy based and anthological, which are two things that i'm totally into right now.

The episode started off with a seven minute opening speech by the creator of the series - Rod Serling. It was okay, didn't really explain much about the series but it made me excited for the actual episode to start... then it did. I really liked Earl Holliman's character and think that he plays the role extremely well, it sort of reminded me of how an actor would play the role of Dr. Who, which is always a good thing. The scene in which he runs down the stairs at the cinema and then crashes into a mirror was perfect. I loved it.

I thought that the plot was great, I was trying to work out what was going on but the real ending never crossed my mind. I first thought that maybe he was in a town that the army uses to test bombs on, then when he saw the book about being the last man on earth I thought maybe he could actually be the last person on earth. When the twist happened I felt like I expected something a bit better, which isn't really good but I still liked it nevertheless. I then read that in the short story version of this episode, a cinema ticket for the film he went to see in his hallucination fell out of his pocket as he was carried away on the stretcher and wow, I wish that this episode showed that. It would have made this perfect.

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode and can't wait to start watching the rest. 8/10.

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